Last updated: 2020-09-05

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    Ignored:    docs/.DS_Store
    Ignored:    docs/assets/.DS_Store
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    Untracked:  analysis/extrapolate3.Rmd
    Untracked:  analysis/extrapolate4.Rmd
    Untracked:  analysis/pm1_priors_tmp.Rmd

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    Modified:   analysis/tree_literature.Rmd
    Modified:   drift-workflow.Rproj

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File Version Author Date Message
Rmd 3f347fa Jason Willwerscheid 2020-09-05 wflow_publish(“analysis/pm1_priors11.Rmd”)
html ac40b3b Jason Willwerscheid 2020-09-03 Build site.
Rmd 40bd6e1 Jason Willwerscheid 2020-09-03 workflowr::wflow_publish(“analysis/pm1_priors11.Rmd”)
html f2b82dc Jason Willwerscheid 2020-09-03 Build site.
Rmd 688d5fa Jason Willwerscheid 2020-09-03 wflow_publish(“analysis/pm1_priors11.Rmd”)


I run some more experiments on the balanced tree with four populations of equal sizes to try to get a better understanding of what’s going on.

sim_tree <- function(n_range, 
                     p = 10000, 
                     resid_sd = 0.1,
                     admix_pops = NULL, 
                     outgroup = FALSE, 
                     seed = 666) {
  depth <- length(branch_means)
  npop_pure <- 2^(depth - 1)

  if (is.null(admix_pops)) {
    admix_pops <- matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0)
  npop_admix <- ncol(admix_pops)
  npop <- npop_pure + npop_admix + outgroup
  if (length(n_range) == 1) {
    n <- rep(n_range, npop)
  } else {
    n <- sample(30:100, npop, replace = TRUE)
  K <- 2^depth - 1
  FF <- matrix(nrow = p, ncol = K)
  k <- 1
  for (d in 1:depth) {
    for (i in 1:(2^(d - 1))) {
      FF[, k] <- rnorm(p, sd = branch_means[d] + rnorm(1, sd = branch_sds[d]))
      k <- k + 1
  tree_mat <- matrix(0, nrow = npop_pure, ncol = K)
  k <- 1
  for (d in 1:depth) {
    size <- 2^(depth - d)
    for (i in 1:(2^(d - 1))) {
      tree_mat[((i - 1) * size + 1):(i * size), k] <- 1
      k <- k + 1
  pop_means <- FF %*% t(tree_mat)
  if (npop_admix > 0) {
    pop_means <- cbind(pop_means, pop_means %*% admix_pops)
  if (outgroup) {
    pop_means <- cbind(pop_means, rnorm(p, mean = 0, sd = sqrt(sum(branch_sds^2))))
  Y <- NULL
  for (i in 1:npop) {
    Y <- rbind(Y, matrix(pop_means[, i], nrow = n[i], ncol = p, byrow = TRUE))
  Y <- Y + rnorm(sum(n) * p, sd = resid_sd)
  plot_fl <- function(fl) {
    dr <- init_from_flash(fl)
    sd <- sqrt(dr$prior_s2)
    L <- dr$EL
    LDsqrt <- L %*% diag(sd)
    K <- ncol(LDsqrt)
    plot_loadings(LDsqrt[,1:K], rep(letters[1:npop], n)) +
  return(list(Y = Y, plot_fn = plot_fl))
init.mean.factor <- function(resids, zero.idx) {
  u <- matrix(1, nrow = nrow(resids), ncol = 1)
  u[zero.idx, 1] <- 0
  v <- t(solve(crossprod(u), crossprod(u, resids)))
  return(list(u, v))

balanced_4pop <- sim_tree(n_range = 50,
                          p = 10000,
                          branch_means = rep(1, 3),
                          branch_sds = rep(0, 3),
                          resid_sd = 0.1)

In an earlier analysis, I needed to do a backfit in order to find sparse third and fourth factors via rotation. Ideally, though, the greedy approach would be able to find a sparse third factor. But it doesn’t:

fl_pl <- flash.init(balanced_4pop$Y) %>%
  flash.set.verbose(0) %>%
  flash.add.greedy(Kmax = 3, 
          = c(prior.point.laplace(), prior.normal())) %>%
  flash.backfit(tol = 1e-4, verbose.lvl = 0)


Version Author Date
f2b82dc Jason Willwerscheid 2020-09-03

This is not a convergence issue: if I initialize to a sparse factor (by, for example, keeping only the first three factors from the fit from the previous analysis), I get the same result:

fl_pl2 <- flash.init(balanced_4pop$Y) %>%
  flash.set.verbose(0) %>%
  flash.add.greedy(Kmax = 4, 
          = c(prior.point.laplace(), prior.normal())) %>%
  flash.backfit(tol = 1e-4, verbose.lvl = 0)

fl_pl3 <- fl_pl2 %>% 
  flash.remove.factors(kset = 4) %>%
  flash.backfit(tol = 1e-4, verbose.lvl = 0)


Version Author Date
f2b82dc Jason Willwerscheid 2020-09-03

What’s happening is that we’re getting the third principal component and there’s a sufficiently large gap between the third and fourth singular values for the non-sparse third PC to be preferred to a sparse linear combination of the third and fourth PCs.

svd_res <- svd(balanced_4pop$Y)
cat("First four singular values:", round(svd_res$d[1:4]))
#> First four singular values: 1877 1216 713 694

The third PC appears as follows:

plot(svd_res$u[, 3])

Version Author Date
f2b82dc Jason Willwerscheid 2020-09-03

This is not due to residual noise, but (I think) to the fact that the simulated branches aren’t exactly orthogonal. If I remove the noise altogether, I get the same result:

balanced_4pop_smallsd <- sim_tree(n_range = 50,
                                  p = 10000,
                                  branch_means = rep(1, 3),
                                  branch_sds = rep(0, 3),
                                  resid_sd = 0)

fl_pl4 <- flash.init(balanced_4pop_smallsd$Y) %>%
  flash.set.verbose(0) %>%
  flash.add.greedy(Kmax = 3, 
          = c(prior.point.laplace(), prior.normal())) %>%
  flash.backfit(tol = 1e-4, verbose.lvl = 0)


Version Author Date
f2b82dc Jason Willwerscheid 2020-09-03

If I force the prior to put some mass on the pointmass at zero (here, I fix the mixture proportions at c(0.5, 0.5)), I again get the same result:

g <- ebnm::laplacemix(pi = c(0.5, 0.5), mean = c(0, 0), scale = c(0, 1))

fl_pl5 <- flash.init(balanced_4pop$Y) %>%
  flash.set.verbose(0) %>%
  flash.add.greedy(Kmax = 3, 
          = c(prior.point.laplace(g_init = g, fix_g = TRUE),
                   prior.normal())) %>%
  flash.backfit(tol = 1e-4, verbose.lvl = 0)


Version Author Date
f2b82dc Jason Willwerscheid 2020-09-03

The result is the same if I use a sparse initialization. I show the initialization and details for 25 iterations, which is sufficient to get to a non-sparse solution:

fl_pl6 <- flash.init(balanced_4pop$Y) %>%
  flash.set.verbose(0) %>%
  flash.add.greedy(Kmax = 4, 
          = c(prior.point.laplace(g_init = g, fix_g = TRUE),
                   prior.normal())) %>%
  flash.backfit(tol = 1e-3, verbose.lvl = 0) %>%
  flash.remove.factors(kset = 4)


Version Author Date
ac40b3b Jason Willwerscheid 2020-09-03

verbose.fns <- c(flashier:::calc.obj.diff,
                 function(new, old, k) {
                   round(sum(flashier:::get.KL(new, n = 1)))
                 function(new, old, k) {
                   round(sum(flashier:::get.KL(new, n = 2)))
                 function(new, old, k) {
                   round(flashier:::get.obj(new) - 
                           sum(flashier:::get.KL(new, n = 1)) -
                           sum(flashier:::get.KL(new, n = 2)))
verbose.colnames <- c("ELBO diff", "KL-div (L)", "KL-div (F)", "fit (llik)")
verbose.colwidths <- c(12, 14, 14, 14)

fl_pl7 <- fl_pl6 %>% 
  flash.set.verbose(3, verbose.fns, verbose.colnames, verbose.colwidths) %>%
  flash.backfit(tol = 1e-4, verbose.lvl = 3, maxiter = 25)
#> Backfitting 3 factors (tolerance: 1.00e-04)...
#>     Iteration  Factor   ELBO diff    KL-div (L)    KL-div (F)    fit (llik)
#>             1     all    3.48e+04         -3273        -94552      -1476575 
#>             2     all    4.28e+02         -3542        -94231      -1476199 
#>             3     all    9.53e+02         -3592        -94354      -1475073 
#>             4     all    1.11e+03         -3598        -94385      -1473930 
#>             5     all    1.20e+03         -3605        -94411      -1472694 
#>             6     all    1.26e+03         -3613        -94441      -1471393 
#>             7     all    1.21e+03         -3623        -94471      -1470144 
#>             8     all    6.68e+02         -3635        -94497      -1469439 
#>             9     all    2.24e-02         -3634        -94480      -1469457 
#>            10     all    1.76e-02         -3634        -94479      -1469457 
#>            11     all    2.35e-02         -3634        -94480      -1469457 
#>            12     all    2.92e-02         -3634        -94480      -1469457 
#>            13     all    3.16e-02         -3634        -94480      -1469457 
#>            14     all    9.80e-03         -3634        -94480      -1469457 
#>            15     all    2.96e-03         -3634        -94480      -1469457 
#>            16     all    5.46e-03         -3634        -94480      -1469457 
#>            17     all    8.18e-03         -3634        -94480      -1469457 
#>            18     all    1.17e-02         -3634        -94480      -1469457 
#>            19     all    1.61e-02         -3634        -94480      -1469457 
#>            20     all    1.41e-02         -3634        -94480      -1469457 
#>            21     all    2.19e-03         -3634        -94480      -1469457 
#>            22     all    4.07e-03         -3634        -94480      -1469457 
#>            23     all    6.16e-03         -3634        -94480      -1469457 
#>            24     all    8.97e-03         -3634        -94480      -1469457 
#>            25     all    1.27e-02         -3634        -94480      -1469457 
#>   --Maximum number of iterations reached!
#>   Backfit complete. Objective: -1567570.423 
#> Wrapping up...
#> Done.


Version Author Date
ac40b3b Jason Willwerscheid 2020-09-03

There doesn’t appear to be a good way to get a sparse third factor using a greedy approach. Backfitting might be necessary.


For contrast, I show the per-iteration progress for the four-factor backfit:

fl_bf <- flash.init(balanced_4pop$Y) %>%
  flash.set.verbose(0) %>%
  flash.add.greedy(Kmax = 4, 
          = c(prior.point.laplace(), prior.normal())) %>%
  flash.set.verbose(3, verbose.fns, verbose.colnames, verbose.colwidths) %>%
  flash.backfit(tol = 1e-4)
#> Backfitting 4 factors (tolerance: 1.00e-04)...
#>     Iteration  Factor   ELBO diff    KL-div (L)    KL-div (F)    fit (llik)
#>             1     all    6.34e+05         -5176       -171337       1746838 
#>             2     all    5.91e+03         -5539       -189448       1771222 
#>             3     all    3.74e+02         -5466       -185796       1767871 
#>             4     all    3.20e+00         -5458       -185393       1767464 
#>             5     all    4.16e-02         -5459       -185427       1767498 
#>             6     all    2.82e-03         -5459       -185435       1767507 
#>             7     all    1.90e-03         -5459       -185435       1767506 
#>             8     all    3.12e-03         -5459       -185434       1767506 
#>             9     all    5.89e-03         -5459       -185434       1767506 
#>            10     all    1.21e-02         -5459       -185434       1767506 
#>            11     all    2.44e-02         -5459       -185434       1767506 
#>            12     all    4.92e-02         -5459       -185434       1767506 
#>            13     all    9.88e-02         -5459       -185434       1767506 
#>            14     all    1.98e-01         -5459       -185434       1767506 
#>            15     all    3.98e-01         -5458       -185434       1767506 
#>            16     all    8.03e-01         -5457       -185434       1767506 
#>            17     all    1.63e+00         -5456       -185434       1767506 
#>            18     all    3.35e+00         -5452       -185435       1767506 
#>            19     all    6.83e+00         -5445       -185435       1767506 
#>            20     all    3.53e+00         -5428       -185447       1767505 
#>            21     all    2.95e+00         -5428       -185445       1767506 
#>            22     all    1.92e-02         -5428       -185445       1767506 
#>            23     all    3.26e-02         -5428       -185445       1767506 
#>            24     all    5.63e-02         -5428       -185445       1767506 
#>            25     all    1.06e-01         -5428       -185445       1767506 
#>            26     all    2.20e-01         -5428       -185445       1767506 
#>            27     all    4.42e-01         -5428       -185445       1767506 
#>            28     all    8.60e-01         -5428       -185444       1767506 
#>            29     all    1.60e+00         -5428       -185442       1767506 
#>            30     all    2.70e+00         -5428       -185440       1767506 
#>            31     all    3.36e+00         -5427       -185437       1767506 
#>            32     all    1.33e-03         -5427       -185437       1767506 
#>            33     all    2.66e-03         -5427       -185437       1767506 
#>            34     all    4.51e-03         -5427       -185437       1767506 
#>            35     all    7.81e-03         -5427       -185437       1767506 
#>            36     all    1.48e-02         -5427       -185437       1767506 
#>            37     all    3.08e-02         -5427       -185437       1767506 
#>            38     all    6.24e-02         -5427       -185437       1767506 
#>            39     all    1.24e-01         -5427       -185437       1767506 
#>            40     all    2.41e-01         -5427       -185437       1767506 
#>            41     all    4.52e-01         -5427       -185436       1767506 
#>            42     all    7.78e-01         -5426       -185436       1767506 
#>            43     all    1.05e+00         -5425       -185436       1767506 
#>            44     all    6.14e-02         -5423       -185438       1767506 
#>            45     all    3.34e-03         -5423       -185438       1767506 
#>            46     all    6.67e-03         -5423       -185438       1767506 
#>            47     all    1.13e-02         -5423       -185438       1767506 
#>            48     all    1.96e-02         -5423       -185438       1767506 
#>            49     all    3.69e-02         -5423       -185438       1767506 
#>            50     all    7.65e-02         -5423       -185438       1767506 
#>            51     all    1.54e-01         -5423       -185438       1767506 
#>            52     all    3.00e-01         -5423       -185437       1767506 
#>            53     all    5.59e-01         -5423       -185437       1767506 
#>            54     all    9.50e-01         -5423       -185436       1767506 
#>            55     all    1.22e+00         -5422       -185436       1767506 
#>            56     all    8.81e-04         -5422       -185436       1767506 
#>            57     all    1.77e-03         -5422       -185436       1767506 
#>            58     all    3.00e-03         -5422       -185436       1767506 
#>            59     all    5.20e-03         -5422       -185436       1767506 
#>            60     all    9.86e-03         -5422       -185436       1767506 
#>            61     all    2.06e-02         -5422       -185436       1767506 
#>            62     all    4.18e-02         -5422       -185436       1767506 
#>            63     all    8.39e-02         -5422       -185436       1767506 
#>            64     all    1.66e-01         -5422       -185436       1767506 
#>            65     all    3.22e-01         -5422       -185436       1767506 
#>            66     all    6.04e-01         -5421       -185435       1767506 
#>            67     all    1.04e+00         -5420       -185435       1767506 
#>            68     all    1.43e+00         -5418       -185436       1767506 
#>            69     all    2.33e-01         -5414       -185440       1767506 
#>            70     all    7.49e-03         -5414       -185440       1767506 
#>            71     all    1.49e-02         -5414       -185440       1767506 
#>            72     all    2.53e-02         -5414       -185440       1767506 
#>            73     all    4.38e-02         -5414       -185440       1767506 
#>            74     all    8.26e-02         -5414       -185440       1767506 
#>            75     all    1.70e-01         -5414       -185440       1767506 
#>            76     all    3.40e-01         -5414       -185440       1767506 
#>            77     all    6.56e-01         -5413       -185439       1767506 
#>            78     all    1.19e+00         -5413       -185438       1767506 
#>            79     all    1.88e+00         -5413       -185437       1767506 
#>            80     all    1.74e+00         -5412       -185435       1767506 
#>            81     all    1.24e-03         -5412       -185435       1767506 
#>            82     all    2.48e-03         -5412       -185435       1767506 
#>            83     all    4.21e-03         -5412       -185435       1767506 
#>            84     all    7.29e-03         -5412       -185435       1767506 
#>            85     all    1.38e-02         -5412       -185435       1767506 
#>            86     all    2.87e-02         -5412       -185435       1767506 
#>            87     all    5.82e-02         -5412       -185435       1767506 
#>            88     all    1.16e-01         -5412       -185435       1767506 
#>            89     all    2.24e-01         -5412       -185435       1767506 
#>            90     all    4.17e-01         -5412       -185435       1767506 
#>            91     all    7.05e-01         -5411       -185435       1767506 
#>            92     all    8.96e-01         -5410       -185435       1767506 
#>            93     all    1.44e-03         -5410       -185435       1767506 
#>            94     all    2.88e-03         -5410       -185435       1767506 
#>            95     all    4.89e-03         -5410       -185435       1767506 
#>            96     all    8.47e-03         -5410       -185435       1767506 
#>            97     all    1.60e-02         -5410       -185435       1767506 
#>            98     all    3.32e-02         -5410       -185435       1767506 
#>            99     all    6.70e-02         -5410       -185435       1767506 
#>           100     all    1.32e-01         -5410       -185435       1767506 
#>           101     all    2.52e-01         -5410       -185435       1767506 
#>           102     all    4.51e-01         -5409       -185435       1767506 
#>           103     all    6.85e-01         -5409       -185435       1767506 
#>           104     all    5.06e-01         -5407       -185436       1767506 
#>           105     all    2.19e-03         -5407       -185436       1767506 
#>           106     all    4.37e-03         -5407       -185436       1767506 
#>           107     all    7.41e-03         -5407       -185436       1767506 
#>           108     all    1.28e-02         -5407       -185436       1767506 
#>           109     all    2.42e-02         -5407       -185436       1767506 
#>           110     all    5.01e-02         -5407       -185436       1767506 
#>           111     all    1.00e-01         -5407       -185436       1767506 
#>           112     all    1.95e-01         -5407       -185436       1767506 
#>           113     all    3.62e-01         -5407       -185435       1767506 
#>           114     all    6.06e-01         -5407       -185435       1767506 
#>           115     all    7.33e-01         -5406       -185435       1767506 
#>           116     all    9.54e-04         -5406       -185435       1767506 
#>           117     all    1.91e-03         -5406       -185435       1767506 
#>           118     all    3.24e-03         -5406       -185435       1767506 
#>           119     all    5.62e-03         -5406       -185435       1767506 
#>           120     all    1.07e-02         -5406       -185435       1767506 
#>           121     all    2.22e-02         -5406       -185435       1767506 
#>           122     all    4.53e-02         -5406       -185435       1767506 
#>           123     all    9.11e-02         -5406       -185435       1767506 
#>           124     all    1.81e-01         -5406       -185435       1767506 
#>           125     all    3.56e-01         -5405       -185435       1767506 
#>           126     all    6.85e-01         -5405       -185435       1767506 
#>           127     all    1.26e+00         -5403       -185435       1767506 
#>           128     all    2.05e+00         -5401       -185436       1767506 
#>           129     all    2.26e+00         -5395       -185439       1767506 
#>           130     all    8.03e-03         -5395       -185439       1767506 
#>           131     all    1.60e-02         -5395       -185439       1767506 
#>           132     all    2.72e-02         -5395       -185439       1767506 
#>           133     all    4.69e-02         -5395       -185439       1767506 
#>           134     all    8.83e-02         -5395       -185439       1767506 
#>           135     all    1.82e-01         -5395       -185439       1767506 
#>           136     all    3.62e-01         -5395       -185439       1767506 
#>           137     all    6.91e-01         -5395       -185438       1767506 
#>           138     all    1.23e+00         -5394       -185437       1767506 
#>           139     all    1.83e+00         -5394       -185436       1767506 
#>           140     all    1.12e+00         -5393       -185435       1767506 
#>           141     all    1.47e-03         -5393       -185435       1767506 
#>           142     all    2.94e-03         -5393       -185435       1767506 
#>           143     all    5.00e-03         -5393       -185435       1767506 
#>           144     all    8.66e-03         -5393       -185435       1767506 
#>           145     all    1.64e-02         -5393       -185435       1767506 
#>           146     all    3.41e-02         -5393       -185435       1767506 
#>           147     all    6.90e-02         -5393       -185435       1767506 
#>           148     all    1.37e-01         -5393       -185435       1767506 
#>           149     all    2.65e-01         -5393       -185435       1767506 
#>           150     all    4.92e-01         -5392       -185435       1767506 
#>           151     all    8.25e-01         -5392       -185435       1767506 
#>           152     all    1.01e+00         -5390       -185436       1767506 
#>           153     all    2.09e-03         -5390       -185436       1767506 
#>           154     all    4.17e-03         -5390       -185436       1767506 
#>           155     all    7.08e-03         -5390       -185436       1767506 
#>           156     all    1.23e-02         -5390       -185436       1767506 
#>           157     all    2.32e-02         -5390       -185436       1767506 
#>           158     all    4.80e-02         -5390       -185436       1767506 
#>           159     all    9.66e-02         -5390       -185436       1767506 
#>           160     all    1.89e-01         -5390       -185435       1767506 
#>           161     all    3.58e-01         -5390       -185435       1767506 
#>           162     all    6.25e-01         -5389       -185435       1767506 
#>           163     all    8.85e-01         -5388       -185435       1767506 
#>           164     all    3.05e-01         -5387       -185437       1767506 
#>           165     all    3.43e-03         -5387       -185437       1767506 
#>           166     all    6.86e-03         -5387       -185437       1767506 
#>           167     all    1.16e-02         -5387       -185437       1767506 
#>           168     all    2.01e-02         -5387       -185437       1767506 
#>           169     all    3.79e-02         -5386       -185436       1767506 
#>           170     all    7.85e-02         -5386       -185436       1767506 
#>           171     all    1.57e-01         -5386       -185436       1767506 
#>           172     all    3.04e-01         -5386       -185436       1767506 
#>           173     all    5.58e-01         -5386       -185436       1767506 
#>           174     all    9.09e-01         -5386       -185435       1767506 
#>           175     all    9.81e-01         -5385       -185435       1767506 
#>           176     all    1.28e-03         -5385       -185435       1767506 
#>           177     all    2.57e-03         -5385       -185435       1767506 
#>           178     all    4.36e-03         -5385       -185435       1767506 
#>           179     all    7.56e-03         -5385       -185435       1767506 
#>           180     all    1.43e-02         -5385       -185435       1767506 
#>           181     all    2.99e-02         -5385       -185435       1767506 
#>           182     all    6.09e-02         -5385       -185435       1767506 
#>           183     all    1.22e-01         -5385       -185435       1767506 
#>           184     all    2.42e-01         -5384       -185435       1767506 
#>           185     all    4.74e-01         -5384       -185435       1767506 
#>           186     all    8.98e-01         -5383       -185435       1767506 
#>           187     all    1.60e+00         -5381       -185435       1767506 
#>           188     all    2.39e+00         -5377       -185437       1767506 
#>           189     all    1.59e+00         -5370       -185443       1767506 
#>           190     all    1.34e-02         -5370       -185443       1767506 
#>           191     all    2.68e-02         -5370       -185443       1767506 
#>           192     all    4.54e-02         -5370       -185443       1767506 
#>           193     all    7.84e-02         -5370       -185443       1767506 
#>           194     all    1.48e-01         -5370       -185442       1767506 
#>           195     all    3.04e-01         -5370       -185442       1767506 
#>           196     all    6.04e-01         -5370       -185442       1767506 
#>           197     all    1.15e+00         -5370       -185441       1767506 
#>           198     all    2.04e+00         -5369       -185439       1767506 
#>           199     all    3.00e+00         -5369       -185436       1767506 
#>           200     all    1.64e+00         -5368       -185436       1767506 
#>           201     all    2.14e-03         -5368       -185436       1767506 
#>           202     all    4.27e-03         -5368       -185436       1767506 
#>           203     all    7.25e-03         -5368       -185436       1767506 
#>           204     all    1.26e-02         -5368       -185436       1767506 
#>           205     all    2.37e-02         -5368       -185436       1767506 
#>           206     all    4.94e-02         -5368       -185436       1767506 
#>           207     all    9.97e-02         -5368       -185436       1767506 
#>           208     all    1.97e-01         -5368       -185436       1767506 
#>           209     all    3.80e-01         -5367       -185435       1767506 
#>           210     all    6.93e-01         -5367       -185435       1767506 
#>           211     all    1.12e+00         -5366       -185435       1767506 
#>           212     all    1.16e+00         -5363       -185436       1767506 
#>           213     all    3.17e-03         -5363       -185436       1767506 
#>           214     all    6.32e-03         -5363       -185436       1767506 
#>           215     all    1.07e-02         -5363       -185436       1767506 
#>           216     all    1.86e-02         -5363       -185436       1767506 
#>           217     all    3.51e-02         -5363       -185436       1767506 
#>           218     all    7.26e-02         -5363       -185436       1767506 
#>           219     all    1.46e-01         -5363       -185436       1767506 
#>           220     all    2.85e-01         -5363       -185436       1767506 
#>           221     all    5.34e-01         -5363       -185436       1767506 
#>           222     all    9.16e-01         -5362       -185435       1767506 
#>           223     all    1.21e+00         -5361       -185435       1767506 
#>           224     all    1.59e-03         -5361       -185435       1767506 
#>           225     all    3.17e-03         -5361       -185435       1767506 
#>           226     all    5.39e-03         -5361       -185435       1767506 
#>           227     all    9.34e-03         -5361       -185435       1767506 
#>           228     all    1.77e-02         -5361       -185435       1767506 
#>           229     all    3.70e-02         -5361       -185435       1767506 
#>           230     all    7.54e-02         -5361       -185435       1767506 
#>           231     all    1.52e-01         -5361       -185435       1767506 
#>           232     all    3.03e-01         -5361       -185435       1767506 
#>           233     all    5.99e-01         -5360       -185435       1767506 
#>           234     all    1.16e+00         -5359       -185435       1767506 
#>           235     all    1.36e+00         -5357       -185436       1767506 
#>           236     all    2.09e-03         -5357       -185436       1767506 
#>           237     all    4.17e-03         -5357       -185436       1767506 
#>           238     all    7.06e-03         -5357       -185436       1767506 
#>           239     all    1.22e-02         -5357       -185436       1767506 
#>           240     all    2.17e+02         -5005       -185435       1767371 
#>           241     all    1.74e+02         -4952       -185433       1767489 
#>           242     all    5.10e-01         -4952       -185438       1767494 
#>           243     all    1.43e+01         -4952       -185435       1767506 
#>           244     all    1.55e-02         -4952       -185436       1767507 
#>           245     all    1.34e-02         -4952       -185436       1767506 
#>           246     all    2.43e-02         -4952       -185435       1767506 
#>           247     all    1.87e+01         -4932       -185435       1767505 
#>           248     all    1.35e+02         -4798       -185435       1767507 
#>           249     all    2.09e+00         -4798       -185435       1767509 
#>           250     all    2.06e-03         -4799       -185435       1767509 
#>           251     all    5.12e-04         -4799       -185436       1767509 
#>           252     all    7.19e-04         -4798       -185435       1767509 
#>           253     all    8.78e-04         -4798       -185435       1767509 
#>           254     all    1.13e-03         -4798       -185435       1767509 
#>           255     all    1.53e-03         -4798       -185435       1767509 
#>           256     all    2.27e-03         -4798       -185435       1767509 
#>           257     all    3.75e-03         -4798       -185435       1767509 
#>           258     all    7.05e-03         -4798       -185435       1767509 
#>           259     all    1.43e-02         -4798       -185435       1767509 
#>           260     all    2.84e-02         -4798       -185435       1767509 
#>           261     all    5.47e-02         -4798       -185435       1767509 
#>           262     all    1.00e-01         -4798       -185435       1767509 
#>           263     all    1.63e-01         -4798       -185435       1767509 
#>           264     all    1.73e-01         -4798       -185436       1767509 
#>           265     all    2.26e+02         -4551       -185437       1767490 
#>           266     all    3.24e+01         -4543       -185437       1767513 
#>           267     all    3.35e-02         -4542       -185438       1767514 
#>           268     all    2.71e-01         -4542       -185437       1767514 
#>           269     all    3.06e-03         -4542       -185437       1767514 
#>           270     all    2.87e-03         -4542       -185437       1767514 
#>           271     all    5.58e-03         -4542       -185437       1767514 
#>           272     all    1.13e-02         -4542       -185437       1767514 
#>           273     all    2.23e-02         -4542       -185437       1767514 
#>           274     all    4.30e-02         -4542       -185437       1767514 
#>           275     all    7.87e-02         -4542       -185437       1767514 
#>           276     all    1.28e-01         -4542       -185437       1767514 
#>           277     all    1.36e-01         -4542       -185437       1767514 
#>           278     all    2.35e-05         -4542       -185437       1767514 
#>   Backfit complete. Objective: 1577534.959 
#> Wrapping up...
#> Done.


#> R version 3.5.3 (2019-03-11)
#> Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
#> Running under: macOS Mojave 10.14.6
#> Matrix products: default
#> BLAS: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
#> LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib
#> locale:
#> [1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
#> attached base packages:
#> [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
#> other attached packages:
#>  [1] forcats_0.4.0      stringr_1.4.0      dplyr_0.8.0.1     
#>  [4] purrr_0.3.2        readr_1.3.1        tidyr_0.8.3       
#>  [7] tibble_2.1.1       ggplot2_3.2.0      tidyverse_1.2.1   
#> [10] drift.alpha_0.0.10 flashier_0.2.7    
#> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
#>  [1] Rcpp_1.0.4.6       lubridate_1.7.4    invgamma_1.1      
#>  [4] lattice_0.20-38    assertthat_0.2.1   rprojroot_1.3-2   
#>  [7] digest_0.6.18      truncnorm_1.0-8    R6_2.4.0          
#> [10] cellranger_1.1.0   plyr_1.8.4         backports_1.1.3   
#> [13] evaluate_0.13      httr_1.4.0         pillar_1.3.1      
#> [16] rlang_0.4.2        lazyeval_0.2.2     readxl_1.3.1      
#> [19] rstudioapi_0.10    ebnm_0.1-21        irlba_2.3.3       
#> [22] whisker_0.3-2      Matrix_1.2-15      rmarkdown_1.12    
#> [25] labeling_0.3       munsell_0.5.0      mixsqp_0.3-40     
#> [28] broom_0.5.1        compiler_3.5.3     modelr_0.1.5      
#> [31] xfun_0.6           pkgconfig_2.0.2    SQUAREM_2017.10-1 
#> [34] htmltools_0.3.6    tidyselect_0.2.5   workflowr_1.2.0   
#> [37] withr_2.1.2        crayon_1.3.4       grid_3.5.3        
#> [40] nlme_3.1-137       jsonlite_1.6       gtable_0.3.0      
#> [43] git2r_0.25.2       magrittr_1.5       scales_1.0.0      
#> [46] cli_1.1.0          stringi_1.4.3      reshape2_1.4.3    
#> [49] fs_1.2.7           xml2_1.2.0         generics_0.0.2    
#> [52] RColorBrewer_1.1-2 tools_3.5.3        glue_1.3.1        
#> [55] hms_0.4.2          parallel_3.5.3     yaml_2.2.0        
#> [58] colorspace_1.4-1   ashr_2.2-51        rvest_0.3.4       
#> [61] knitr_1.22         haven_2.1.1