Last updated: 2019-05-06
Checks: 5 1
Knit directory: drift-workflow/analysis/
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Ignored files:
Ignored: .Rhistory
Ignored: analysis/.Rhistory
Ignored: analysis/flash_cache/
Ignored: data.tar.gz
Ignored: data/datasets/
Ignored: data/raw/
Ignored: output.tar.gz
Ignored: output/
Unstaged changes:
Modified: analysis/ebnm_bimodal.Rmd
Modified: analysis/simpler_tree_simulation.Rmd
Deleted: code/ebnm_bimodal.R
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These are the previous versions of the R Markdown and HTML files. If you’ve configured a remote Git repository (see ?wflow_git_remote
), click on the hyperlinks in the table below to view them.
File | Version | Author | Date | Message |
Rmd | 44a10f7 | jhmarcus | 2019-05-05 | added bimodal ash exploration |
html | 44a10f7 | jhmarcus | 2019-05-05 | added bimodal ash exploration |
Rmd | 280cc1f | jhmarcus | 2019-05-03 | added printing of noise in simpler |
html | 280cc1f | jhmarcus | 2019-05-03 | added printing of noise in simpler |
Rmd | 912c5ff | jhmarcus | 2019-05-03 | added simpler tree sim |
html | 912c5ff | jhmarcus | 2019-05-03 | added simpler tree sim |
In this analysis I simulate data from the same tree as described in Simple Tree Simulation (also see below) but parameterize the simulation as a factor analysis model i.e. simulating under the model we are fitting. I also removed the additional binomial sampling from the allele frequencies at the tips and just directly modeled Gaussian data.
Here I import the some required packages:
# bimodal g prior list used throughout
m = 20
b = seq(1.0, 0.0, length=m)
a = seq(0.0, 1.0, length=m)
bimodal_g = ashr:::unimix(rep(0, 2*m), c(rep(0, m),b), c(a, rep(1,m)))
#' @title Simpler Tree Simulation
#' @description Simulates genotypes under a simple population
#' tree as described in Pickrell and Pritchard 2012 via
#' a factor analysis model:
#' @param n_per_pop number of individuals per population
#' @param p number of SNPs
#' @param sigma_e std. dev of noise
simpler_tree_simulation = function(n_per_pop, p, sigma_e){
n = n_per_pop * 4
L = matrix(0, nrow=4*n_per_pop, ncol=6)
L[1:n_per_pop, 2] = L[1:n_per_pop, 6] = 1
L[(n_per_pop + 1):(2*n_per_pop), 2] = L[(n_per_pop + 1):(2*n_per_pop), 5] = 1
L[(2*n_per_pop + 1):(3*n_per_pop), 1] = L[(2*n_per_pop + 1):(3*n_per_pop), 3] = 1
L[(3*n_per_pop + 1):(4*n_per_pop), 1] = L[(3*n_per_pop + 1):(4*n_per_pop), 4] = 1
Z = matrix(rnorm(p*6, 0, 1), nrow=p, ncol=6)
E = matrix(rnorm(n*p, 0, sigma_e), nrow=n, ncol=p)
Y = L %*% t(Z) + E
res = list(Y=Y, L=L, Z=Z)
plot_flash_loadings = function(flash_fit, n_per_pop){
l_df =$loadings$normalized.loadings[[1]])
colnames(l_df) = 1:ncol(l_df)
l_df$ID = 1:nrow(l_df)
l_df$pop = c(rep("Pop1", n_per_pop), rep("Pop2", n_per_pop),
rep("Pop3", n_per_pop), rep("Pop4", n_per_pop))
gath_l_df = l_df %>% gather(K, value, -ID, -pop)
p1 = ggplot(gath_l_df, aes(x=ID, y=value, color=pop)) +
geom_point() +
facet_wrap(K~., scale="free") +
p2 = structure_plot(gath_l_df,
facet_levels=paste0("Pop", 1:4),
return(list(p1=p1, p2=p2))
I display the true loadings matrix and population covariance matrix for a simulation of 20 individuals per population with 10000 independent SNPs.
n_per_pop = 20
sigma_e = .01
p = 10000
sim_res = simpler_tree_simulation(n_per_pop, p, sigma_e)
Y = sim_res$Y
L = sim_res$L
LLt = L %*% t(L)
Version | Author | Date |
912c5ff | jhmarcus | 2019-05-03 |
l_df = data.frame(L)
colnames(l_df) = paste0("K", 1:6)
l_df$iid = 1:nrow(L)
l_df$pop = c(rep("Pop1", n_per_pop), rep("Pop2", n_per_pop),
rep("Pop3", n_per_pop), rep("Pop4", n_per_pop))
gath_l_df = l_df %>% gather(K, value, -iid, -pop)
p = ggplot(gath_l_df, aes(x=iid, y=value, color=pop)) +
geom_point() +
facet_wrap(K~., scale="free") +
Version | Author | Date |
912c5ff | jhmarcus | 2019-05-03 |
Here we can see the block-like structure to the covariance matrix.
I fit greedy flash:
flash_fit = flashier::flashier(Y,
prior.type=c("nonnegative", "point.normal"),
ebnm.param=list(fixg=TRUE, g=list(pi0=0, a=1, mu=0)),
Initializing flash object...
Adding factor 1 to flash object...
Adding factor 2 to flash object...
Adding factor 3 to flash object...
Adding factor 4 to flash object...
Adding factor 5 to flash object...
Adding factor 6 to flash object...
Adding factor 7 to flash object...
Factor doesn't increase objective and won't be added.
Nullchecking 6 factors...
Wrapping up...
Lhat = flash_fit$loadings$normalized.loadings[[1]]
p_res = plot_flash_loadings(flash_fit, n_per_pop)
Version | Author | Date |
912c5ff | jhmarcus | 2019-05-03 |
Version | Author | Date |
912c5ff | jhmarcus | 2019-05-03 |
print(paste0("objective=", flash_fit$objective))
[1] "objective=72473.5307279732"
print(paste0("est_sd=", sqrt(1 / flash_fit$fit$tau)))
[1] "est_sd=0.188101535612845"
print(plot_covmat(Lhat %*% t(Lhat)))
Version | Author | Date |
44a10f7 | jhmarcus | 2019-05-05 |
We can see the loadings matrix is recovered pretty well.
I add a final backfitting step.
flash_fit = flashier::flashier(Y,
flash.init = flash_fit,
prior.type=c("nonnegative", "point.normal"),
ebnm.param=list(fixg=TRUE, g=list(pi0=0, a=1, mu=0)),
Initializing flash object...
Adding factor 7 to flash object...
Factor doesn't increase objective and won't be added.
Backfitting 6 factors...
Nullchecking 6 factors...
Wrapping up...
Lhat = flash_fit$loadings$normalized.loadings[[1]]
p_res = plot_flash_loadings(flash_fit, n_per_pop)
Version | Author | Date |
912c5ff | jhmarcus | 2019-05-03 |
Version | Author | Date |
912c5ff | jhmarcus | 2019-05-03 |
print(paste0("objective=", flash_fit$objective))
[1] "objective=2169849.35240762"
print(paste0("est_sd=", sqrt(1 / flash_fit$fit$tau)))
[1] "est_sd=0.0101417353225806"
print(plot_covmat(Lhat %*% t(Lhat)))
Version | Author | Date |
44a10f7 | jhmarcus | 2019-05-05 |
The loadings matrix is recovered pretty well and also looks pretty similar to the greedy run
I add a final backfitting step to a flash model with a bimodal family of prior distributions for the loadings with modes at 0 and 1 and the factors have normal priors with a scale for each factor to be estimated.
flash_fit = flashier::flashier(Y,
prior.type=c("nonnegative", "point.normal"),
ash.param=list(fixg=FALSE, g=bimodal_g),
ebnm.param=list(fix_pi0=TRUE, g=list(pi0=0)),
Initializing flash object...
Adding factor 1 to flash object...
Adding factor 2 to flash object...
Adding factor 3 to flash object...
Adding factor 4 to flash object...
Adding factor 5 to flash object...
Adding factor 6 to flash object...
Adding factor 7 to flash object...
Factor doesn't increase objective and won't be added.
Backfitting 6 factors...
Nullchecking 6 factors...
Wrapping up...
Lhat = flash_fit$loadings$normalized.loadings[[1]]
p_res = plot_flash_loadings(flash_fit, n_per_pop)
print(paste0("objective=", flash_fit$objective))
[1] "objective=2171002.56418703"
print(paste0("est_sd=", sqrt(1 / flash_fit$fit$tau)))
[1] "est_sd=0.0101417265735237"
print(plot_covmat(Lhat %*% t(Lhat)))
Now I simulate data with a standard deviation of the errors set to be 5 times higher than the last simulation:
n_per_pop = 20
sigma_e = .5
p = 10000
sim_res = simpler_tree_simulation(n_per_pop, 10000, sigma_e)
Y = sim_res$Y
flash_fit = flashier::flashier(Y,
prior.type=c("nonnegative", "point.normal"),
ebnm.param=list(fixg=TRUE, g=list(pi0=0, a=1, mu=0)),
Initializing flash object...
Adding factor 1 to flash object...
Adding factor 2 to flash object...
Adding factor 3 to flash object...
Adding factor 4 to flash object...
Adding factor 5 to flash object...
Adding factor 6 to flash object...
Adding factor 7 to flash object...
Factor doesn't increase objective and won't be added.
Nullchecking 6 factors...
Wrapping up...
Lhat = flash_fit$loadings$normalized.loadings[[1]]
p_res = plot_flash_loadings(flash_fit, n_per_pop)
Version | Author | Date |
912c5ff | jhmarcus | 2019-05-03 |
Version | Author | Date |
912c5ff | jhmarcus | 2019-05-03 |
print(paste0("objective=", flash_fit$objective))
[1] "objective=-749201.861202199"
print(paste0("est_sd=", sqrt(1 / flash_fit$fit$tau)))
[1] "est_sd=0.540899300207415"
print(plot_covmat(Lhat %*% t(Lhat)))
Version | Author | Date |
44a10f7 | jhmarcus | 2019-05-05 |
The greedy solution recovers the loadings pretty well.
flash_fit = flashier::flashier(Y,
flash.init = flash_fit,
prior.type=c("nonnegative", "point.normal"),
ebnm.param=list(fixg=TRUE, g=list(pi0=0, a=1, mu=0)),
Initializing flash object...
Adding factor 7 to flash object...
Factor doesn't increase objective and won't be added.
Backfitting 6 factors...
Nullchecking 6 factors...
Wrapping up...
Lhat = flash_fit$loadings$normalized.loadings[[1]]
p_res = plot_flash_loadings(flash_fit, n_per_pop)
print(paste0("objective=", flash_fit$objective))
[1] "objective=-712470.602509237"
print(paste0("est_sd=", sqrt(1 / flash_fit$fit$tau)))
[1] "est_sd=0.50320097987893"
print(plot_covmat(Lhat %*% t(Lhat)))
The backfitting begins to get funky / noisy.
flash_fit = flashier::flashier(Y,
prior.type=c("nonnegative", "point.normal"),
ash.param=list(fixg=FALSE, g=bimodal_g),
ebnm.param=list(fix_pi0=TRUE, g=list(pi0=0)),
Initializing flash object...
Adding factor 1 to flash object...
Adding factor 2 to flash object...
Adding factor 3 to flash object...
Adding factor 4 to flash object...
Adding factor 5 to flash object...
Adding factor 6 to flash object...
Adding factor 7 to flash object...
Factor doesn't increase objective and won't be added.
Backfitting 6 factors...
Nullchecking 6 factors...
Wrapping up...
Lhat = flash_fit$loadings$normalized.loadings[[1]]
p_res = plot_flash_loadings(flash_fit, n_per_pop)
Version | Author | Date |
912c5ff | jhmarcus | 2019-05-03 |
Version | Author | Date |
912c5ff | jhmarcus | 2019-05-03 |
print(paste0("objective=", flash_fit$objective))
[1] "objective=-704982.55805766"
print(paste0("est_sd=", sqrt(1 / flash_fit$fit$tau)))
[1] "est_sd=0.503265123673624"
print(plot_covmat(Lhat %*% t(Lhat)))
Version | Author | Date |
44a10f7 | jhmarcus | 2019-05-05 |
Now the standard deviation of the errors is 10 times higher than the original simulation
n_per_pop = 20
sigma_e = 1.0
p = 10000
sim_res = simpler_tree_simulation(n_per_pop, p, sigma_e)
Y = sim_res$Y
flash_fit = flashier::flashier(Y,
prior.type=c("nonnegative", "point.normal"),
ebnm.param=list(fixg=TRUE, g=list(pi0=0, a=1, mu=0)),
Initializing flash object...
Adding factor 1 to flash object...
Adding factor 2 to flash object...
Adding factor 3 to flash object...
Adding factor 4 to flash object...
Adding factor 5 to flash object...
Adding factor 6 to flash object...
Adding factor 7 to flash object...
Factor doesn't increase objective and won't be added.
Nullchecking 6 factors...
Wrapping up...
Lhat = flash_fit$loadings$normalized.loadings[[1]]
p_res = plot_flash_loadings(flash_fit, n_per_pop)
print(paste0("objective=", flash_fit$objective))
[1] "objective=-1240334.83467024"
print(paste0("est_sd=", sqrt(1 / flash_fit$fit$tau)))
[1] "est_sd=1.02976540887562"
print(plot_covmat(Lhat %*% t(Lhat)))
The greedy solution still recovers the loadings well!
flash_fit = flashier::flashier(Y,
flash.init = flash_fit,
prior.type=c("nonnegative", "point.normal"),
ebnm.param=list(fixg=TRUE, g=list(pi0=0, a=1, mu=0)),
Initializing flash object...
Adding factor 7 to flash object...
Factor doesn't increase objective and won't be added.
Backfitting 6 factors...
Nullchecking 6 factors...
Factor 4 removed, increasing objective by 1.394e+01.
Factor 6 removed, increasing objective by 1.183e-01.
Adding factor 7 to flash object...
Factor doesn't increase objective and won't be added.
Backfitting 6 factors...
Nullchecking 6 factors...
Wrapping up...
Lhat = flash_fit$loadings$normalized.loadings[[1]]
p_res = plot_flash_loadings(flash_fit, n_per_pop)
print(paste0("objective=", flash_fit$objective))
[1] "objective=-1208591.98076189"
print(paste0("est_sd=", sqrt(1 / flash_fit$fit$tau)))
[1] "est_sd=0.999960677283949"
print(plot_covmat(Lhat %*% t(Lhat)))
Now the backfitting is looking like the results of the previous simulation I ran with Binomial noise etc in Simple Tree Simulation. So perhaps backfitting is having a hard time in the face of “high” noise scenarios and somehow greedy is robust to this noise? Either way backfitting seems to give a fitted covariance matrix that look very close to the truth across all the simulations so it is indeed fitting the data well.
flash_fit = flashier::flashier(Y,
prior.type=c("nonnegative", "point.normal"),
ash.param=list(fixg=FALSE, g=bimodal_g),
ebnm.param=list(fix_pi0=TRUE, g=list(pi0=0.0)),
Lhat = flash_fit$loadings$normalized.loadings[[1]]
p_res = plot_flash_loadings(flash_fit, n_per_pop)
print(paste0("objective=", flash_fit$objective))
print(paste0("est_sd=", sqrt(1 / flash_fit$fit$tau)))
print(plot_covmat(Lhat %*% t(Lhat)))
This throws this error so I don’t evaluate it:
Error in if (!all(nonzero_cols)) { :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
)data = flash_set_data(Y)
f = flash(data,
ebnm_fn=list(l="ebnm_ash", f="ebnm_pn"),
ebnm_param=list(l=list(fixg=FALSE, g=bimodal_g),
f=list(fix_pi0=TRUE, g=list(pi0 = 0))),
l_df =$fit$EL)
colnames(l_df) = 1:ncol(l_df)
l_df$ID = 1:nrow(l_df)
l_df$pop = c(rep("Pop1", n_per_pop), rep("Pop2", n_per_pop),
rep("Pop3", n_per_pop), rep("Pop4", n_per_pop))
gath_l_df = l_df %>% gather(K, value, -ID, -pop)
p = ggplot(gath_l_df, aes(x=ID, y=value, color=pop)) +
geom_point() +
facet_wrap(K~., scale="free") +
This seems to be ignoring the constraint in \(g\).
R version 3.5.1 (2018-07-02)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS 10.14.2
Matrix products: default
BLAS/LAPACK: /Users/jhmarcus/miniconda3/lib/R/lib/libRblas.dylib
[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
other attached packages:
[1] RColorBrewer_1.1-2 flashr_0.6-3 flashier_0.1.1
[4] ashr_2.2-37 tidyr_0.8.2 dplyr_0.8.0.1
[7] ggplot2_3.1.0
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] softImpute_1.4 tidyselect_0.2.5 xfun_0.4
[4] purrr_0.3.0 reshape2_1.4.3 lattice_0.20-38
[7] colorspace_1.4-0 htmltools_0.3.6 viridisLite_0.3.0
[10] yaml_2.2.0 rlang_0.3.1 mixsqp_0.1-115
[13] pillar_1.3.1 glue_1.3.0 withr_2.1.2
[16] foreach_1.4.4 plyr_1.8.4 stringr_1.4.0
[19] munsell_0.5.0 gtable_0.2.0 workflowr_1.2.0
[22] codetools_0.2-16 evaluate_0.12 labeling_0.3
[25] knitr_1.21 doParallel_1.0.14 pscl_1.5.2
[28] parallel_3.5.1 Rcpp_1.0.0 scales_1.0.0
[31] backports_1.1.3 truncnorm_1.0-8 fs_1.2.6
[34] gridExtra_2.3 digest_0.6.18 stringi_1.2.4
[37] ebnm_0.1-17 grid_3.5.1 rprojroot_1.3-2
[40] tools_3.5.1 magrittr_1.5 lazyeval_0.2.1
[43] tibble_2.0.1 crayon_1.3.4 whisker_0.3-2
[46] pkgconfig_2.0.2 MASS_7.3-51.1 Matrix_1.2-15
[49] SQUAREM_2017.10-1 assertthat_0.2.0 rmarkdown_1.11
[52] iterators_1.0.10 viridis_0.5.1 R6_2.4.0
[55] git2r_0.23.0 compiler_3.5.1